PhD Study

Basic information

In 2019, the faculty was accredited for the PhD study programme Environmental Chemistry and Technology with a standard length of study of 4 years. The study program is carried out in cooperation with the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Czech Academy of Sciences, similarly to the previously performed field of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. The training places for doctoral students are the Faculty of Environment of UJEP or the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry in Řež. Teaching is also attended by the Faculty of Science of UJEP and a number of experts from other universities and institutes of Czech Academy of Sciences. Students are admitted to study at the Faculty of Environment of UJEP, the study is governed by internal regulations of the University.

The Environmental Chemistry and Technology study program consists of two specializations:

  • Environmental analytical chemistry
  • Advanced technologies for environmental protection

The content of the study in the first specialization is very close to the content of the study in the previous programme of the same name. The study is aimed at deepening the knowledge of analytical chemistry, modern analytical methods and solving selected problems of environmental chemistry using methods of analytical chemistry.
Advanced Environmental Technology focuses on the use of advanced oxidation processes, photocatalysis, special and reactive sorbents, and selected biotechnological processes such as phytoremediation.
The study is carried out according to individual study plans, which are created according to established rules so that they include a certain proportion of theoretical subjects and profiling subjects.
In addition to verifying the knowledge of analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry and language skills, the interview includes a professional discussion of the possible focus of the doctoral dissertation. More information about doctoral studies can be obtained at e ‑ mail .