
The Faculty of Environment

About the Faculty of Environment (Jan Evangelista Purkyně University)

The Faculty of Environment building is located in Ústí nad Labem, Králova výšina street. The Dean’s office with the study department is located here, as well as the Department of Geoinformatics, the Department of  Environmental Sciences and the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Technology. There are classrooms for theoretical instruction, computer classrooms and laboratories with accessories. For the academic year 2020-2021, the faculty and all its departments will move to the new building of the Center for Natural Science and Technology at the UJEP campus, the building will be shared with the Faculty of Science of UJEP.

About the Faculty of Environment (Jan Evangelista Purkyně University)

The Faculty of Environment building is located in Ústí nad Labem, Králova výšina street. The Dean’s office with the study department is located here, as well as the Department of Geoinformatics, the Department of  Environmental Sciences and the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Technology. There are classrooms for theoretical instruction, computer classrooms and laboratories with accessories. For the academic year 2020-2021, the faculty and all its departments will move to the new building of the Center for Natural Science and Technology at the UJEP campus, the building will be shared with the Faculty of Science of UJEP (https://www.facebook.com/Prirodovedecka.fakulta.UJEP/photos/pcb.10156790203657620/10156790176362620/?type=3&theater ).

Main activities

The Faculty of Environment is focused on research and education in a wide area of ​​ecology and the environment. It emphasizes the study of the causes of disruption of basic components of the environment, the possibilities and ways of their recovery, and especially preventive measures in the area of ​​creation and protection of the environment. The study and research programmes emphasize the principle of multidisciplinarity and flexibility with a balanced share of natural science, technology, economics and information disciplines.

The studies at the Faculty of Environment are realized in three-year bachelor degree programmes and two-year follow-up Master degree programmes.

The employment of graduates is very wide, for example in state and local authority offices, in control and inspection institutions, in the business sphere, in research and project institutes, in nature protection authority offices, in health service, in advisory, information and consulting centers, educational institutions, administrations of protected landscape areas and national parks.

The Faculty of the Environment also organizes lifelong learning courses. These are courses, individual lectures or their cycles and courses of the “University of the Third Age”. The aim of these activities is to extend and supplement education or retraining of the participants.

The aim of the Faculty of the Environment activities is to educate an expert of analytical and synthetic specialization in the sphere of environmental and working environment protection, who is able to make qualified decisions on basic problems of environmental creation and protection, estimate risks, causes and extent of environmental disruption, activities and participate in environmental protection.

Conceptually, the faculty focuses on research of high environmental and population burden in interaction with the health status of the population and other natural and socio-economic consequences, as well as research of varying degrees of environmental protection and prevention of environmental damage.

The high degree of devastation of the basic environmental components in the North Bohemian region provides suitable conditions not only for practical examination of the situation in the form of excursions, field trips, bachelor and diploma theses, but also for broad participation in the region management (landscape recovery, reducing emissions, waste management, water resources management) during the students’ studies and especially after their completion.

Since its inception in 1991, the faculty has significantly increased the capacity in terms of the number of students and the space available for laboratories. In 2002, the Faculty received funding from the University Development Fund for the expansion and upgrading equipment of chemical laboratories. New laboratories of mathematics, geoinformatics, a measuring workstation demonstarting the use of solar energy, and a laboratory of hydrology and meteorology were also established. In 2018, the Faculty upgraded the equipment of all classrooms in line with the latest trends in educational technology.

International contacts are gradually expanding and the faculty cooperates with a number of European and non-European universities, especially with related faculties of universities in neighbouring countries, see the list of partner universities at the following link.